Jun 27Liked by Joe

Congrats Joe! I am excited for you to read through this as you turn 30. It's like a message in a bottle that you sent out years ago, finding its way back to you when you need it the most.

I have a daily journaling habit, though a digital one. I love signing off on it everyday with "ok, off to the gym now!" haha. I habit stacked here and it feel great to do it everyday. Though with journals I find it difficult to index things and find threads or patterns: from my day to day & map to a bigger objective. I haven't really tried any other system but I have seen people use notion life planners. Any suggestions for a digital planner - please do share. :)

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Jun 27Author

Totally get that! I think those threads and patterns are hard to design for, unless you've got a Marie Poulin-esque daily journal, and can correlate certain feelings to other data points. For me, I'm hoping that this will happen a little more serendipitously, both occasionally reviewing the past few weeks, and reading through the previous year's entry after I make my first pass through the journal.

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