I enjoyed the read Joe, thanks! Me personally? I'm sitting on way too many ideas and not shipping the writing. I am trying to accept it for what it is right now and I know it'll get better in time. On the other hand I liked the idea Rob Hardy put forward. The idea of a "content schedule" or doing things on a rigid schedule makes me revolt.

Also, I know this isn't a post about where to host your newsletter :P but I'm curious if you're still going to publish what you post here on your personal/Ghost site? I came here from Ghost too! I am also in the Small Betts community - haven't seen that recording yet!

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Jun 24Author

It's definitely a delicate balance! Still trying to figure it out for myself too :)

Would highly recommend Elle's workshop, it was great! I have yet to 100% decide, but I'll probably maintain some form of blog with an archive of all my posts. Whether or not that'll be ghost, I'll have to make that decision eventually.

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if we try to push the harvest (publishing) more aggressively than we've built up the fertility (practice) we can't sustain it as a self-renewing system."

This one got me deep. That writing should be part of your life and you're writing what you're living and this is the beat system to launch your writing. It will cultivate consistency and persistence.

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Jun 24Author

Glad I could share the quote with you, happy it resonated!

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This was interesting stuff and enjoyed the Mean Girls Twitter feed tangent! I agree with your conclusions. I have an ever growing notes app with ideas for stories and articles and so can publish consistently from this. Thanks for making me think about something I do fairly automatically. I just subscribed to read more.

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Jun 11Author

Glad this resonated, thanks for the support!

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That Sam Sager quote really hits home! I’ve gone through both periods of amazing consistency and also times of hitting my head against a brick wall. Reflecting on it, I think I lost the system I had and the big reason I was doing it

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Jun 11Author

Right there with you! All we can do it pick up and try again :)

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